From the his labyrinthine fortress on the lost planet of Xanthos, comes the ruthless leader of the dreaded Evil Mutant Legion, the dark champion of the elite Cyborg Space Barbarians, the fallen master of the Omega Powers, the obsidian horned arch nemesis of Galaxxor, General Gorgax! This classic 5.5" action figure-style resin art toy was sculpted by Ben Spencer, hand cast in resin by The Godbeast and painted by Ben Spencer. General Gorgax features 2 points of articulation and comes packed in a traditional bag and header style with exclusive header card art Ben Spencer. This figure is limited to an edition of 5 and will never be produced in this colorway ever again.
General Gorgax will be available for $90 each on 06.01.12 at noon CDT, exclusively from The Galaxxor Online Store.
Ben Spencer is not responsible if General Gorgax destroys all of your other toys.